Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tidbit Wednesday

Once again, naptime has been given over to blogtime. You'd think with all the witty writings I've read, I would be spurred on to spew my own.

Guess it's just not that time of the month...biorhythms and stuff.

I do have to say that I think blogs are so nifty. A labyrinth of fun, so many girls separated by a mere few degrees.

another tidbit - my little man is turning one on Sunday! We'll be having family celebrations on Saturday 'cuz Shawn becomes a travellin' man on Sunday.

On that note, we'd appreciate prayers. Lots of travelling, a new band, no practice...good thing guys roll with the punches a bit better than we do.

I'm reading Bringing up Boys by Dobson. Shawn's mom bought it for us back in 2002 (good thing she inscribes her books to us)...honestly, we laughed and thought it a bit odd. Kiddos weren't on the horizon...or so we thought. I actually picked it up one time to see if I could make heads or tails of my husband.

I didn't finish the book.

This morning, while sitting in the study, half-groggy at 6:20 AM (but hey, I got close to 9 hours of sleep last night!!), I decided I would give it another shot b/c, after all, I am bringin' up a boy now.

Did you guys know that boys and girls are different? :-) Wonders never cease.

take care, my blog fam...


Amanda said...

My friend Jennifer was reading that book because she has a little boy! I read a few chapters and found them really really interesting, so I hope you find some good stuff too! love you Sim!

alexis said...

I was JUST talking about that book with some people. I'm interested in it. Let me know, I heard it's great to read ;) I look forward to seeing you this weekend. It's been a while!

Nat Pat said...

Have fun at Asher's birthday party! Wow, he's already one. I'll be praying for you while your man's gone.

LeRay said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHER!!!! You are the cutest little one year old around!!!