Asher discovered the greatness of the straw sippy cup and apple juice. He drained that cup in no time. Have I mentioned the boy is passionate about all things food?

Seeing your kids day in and day out leads to not noticing how they are changing and then one day, you look at them and they look so different! That's how it's been with both of my kids. Avery is so tall! I look at her body and am amazed that all things baby are gone. She is witty and funny and a smartie pants and just a doll. Asher looks more and more like a big boy - I can't believe we are approaching 1! He's "talking" and moving and just being a cutie pie. He always has a smile for us and now does his best to look precious with a big ol smile and squinty eyes.
Funny little conversation between Avery and Shawn last night:
Avery: "Hey dad, bring that spanky hand over here!"
Shawn: "What?"
Avery: "That hand that spanks me - bring it over here and sit down with me."
can't wait until Lily starts saying such cute things!
you are right, these days are flying by!!!! i cannot believe that little asher is about to be 1!!!!! :( he's so precious. you are such an amazing mommy to your kiddos!
oh...and love the "spanky hand"! that girl is so funny!
You know i'm addicted to your blog, Sim. LOL! All I have to say though is I DESPISE those sippy cups w/the straws! Chloe too got addicted to those...and word to the wise-- the straws never really get clean. In fact, they start to REAK! You have to take them out every time, you think rinsing and dishwasher would do it...but NO! they start to collect MOLD in the middle where you can't get to it! You end up having to stertilize the stupid things on the stove! I have gotten down to only 2 of those cups left and am trying my hardest to "lose them"! :) Ahhh!!!
"spanky hand" - HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!
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