Monday, April 07, 2008

A little each day

This is gonna be quick:

I am in a dry, dry place...

I need a drink of water.

I know where to find the water, we all do.

I am going to force myself to take daily sips.

I pray this does not quench my thirst, but makes it thrive.

If you are thirsty, come drink with me.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

We had such a wonderful time last night - I just really love hanging out with you guys. I will join you in daily sipping...I always try to gulp, make myself sick and then don't want it for awhile ... so I like your imagery here and will take your advice/challenge for just daily sipping - slow and steady with a desire for more.
Thanks for just being such a "real" woman - and not trying to make yourself perfect.
Can't wait to hang out again