Sunday, January 27, 2008

The bald one goes beardy

I don't know if I'm about to out myself...but I hadn't really noticed the hair growth on my husband's face. Okay, he's always had facial hair but it is usually contained to around his mouth and possibly as cool chops, but, well, we've entered new depths of hair production on the face region.

Ladies, my hubby has a full-grown, mountain man beard. It's, um, how do I say it - poufy! And when I say I hadn't noticed it, it just hadn't dawned on me what exactly was going on. My hubby's face is the one I see all the time, so little changes slip past me, but my oh my, grow a chia pet and you've got my attention.

And, now, I'm getting comments from folks at church.

"I didn't know you had a new husband." from an older guy who's attempts at humor, well fall just a tad short of...humorous.

"I saw your husband today...he's sure got..." at this point I tend to pipe in to save the speaker some face since I've got none left to salvage. I say, yes, he is quite hairy and...

One friend said she got her husband to shave his face once she stopped shaving her legs. Said it worked like a charm. Her clean-faced hubby was standing right there, nodding emphatically.

I can't remember others but I know people are thinking things. Thankfully my husband is one of the nicest guys you'll meet so he can get away with fuzzy fuzzy fur face.

Our exchange this morning as he's COMBING it:

Me: "When are you going to shave that thing? Why do you like it?"
Him: "I don't like it, I'm just not done having a beard."
Me (confused): "Uh, that means you like it!"

That has got to be some whacked logic, right? It surely doesn't compute in gal language. I mean, why would you carry a teddy bear around on your face if you didn't like it? It can't be sentiment since facial hair grows at the speed of light. He wouldn't have time to miss it before it would be back again.

And oh what a joy that would be.


Gram said...

yeah, but your husband is like crowder - a beard just fits. j

Creth said...


Kathryn said...

Haha! Steve went through a bearded phase around the holidays. I too had to endure the comments from family and fellow church members. Very scratchy - didn't get much lovin' during the bearded days. :)

{CuTe CaRd QuEeN} said...

The best was when someone at church called Joel the Unibomber.
He came home and shaved.

.kp. said...

you MUST post a pic!

Shane said...

your husband is one of the nicest people i know - but i will never understand this look - especially if he does not like it

the thought of your conversation makes me laugh though