Thursday, April 28, 2005

hi my name is simri...

and i have a problem. i consistently tempt fate by placing seemingly sturdy plastic items on the bottom rack of the dishwasher. i don't know why i continue to do it. maybe i think i've mastered the issue by sticking it in such a way that the heat can't possibly do any damage - i mean, c'mon, just clean the dishes!

so, as a result of my stubborness (or more likely, laziness), quite a few of our items have forever been morphed into sad, deformed but still functional (kinda) objects.

The first to fall victim to my dishwasher hades: the iced tea pitcher. you know, the one that has to be used with the iced tea maker. not an interchangeable item! now, the limp sided ewer can only be poured over the sink and even then, it has to be with a steady hand and held breath.

well, our measuring cup has got to be the worst. i know, they aren't expensive and i should just buy another one. i keep forgetting and maybe seeing the bent, cracked tool is my penance for refusing to "come clean" and quit tempting fate. it still works, though liquid leaks out and i'm not sure if it measures correctly. i haven't noticed things tasting weird.

the latest - our blender. shawn doesn't even know about that one yet. we are avid smoothie makers so our blender is in use every day. well, it took a trip through the dishwasher and i vividly remember thinking, okay, it'll be fine. i'm putting it where nothing will apply pressure, etc. yeah, well, same old story. now the mouth is lame on one side and the lid just refuses to be shoved in a hole that just will not do!

someday i'll learn my lesson. until then, happy dishwashing to ya.


Pen the Tale said...

woohoo. so i'm not alone in this hell?

love to you!

Anonymous said...

funny...too funny.

You may be getting a measuring cup from me one of these days while driving to the library. good friends do that for each other.

the blender...bummer to ya.

but all in all, been there done that. your in good company.