Sunday, December 09, 2007

Song of the Season

I have come across the most beautiful song for my Christmas this year.

Last Saturday (as in the 1st), our church hosted Behold the Lamb by Andrew Peterson. He was accompanied by a few other singer/songwriters (Bebo Norman, Sara Groves, Jill Phillips and her husband Andy, and Andrew Osenga). They spent the first half of the program doing an Artist in the round deal. After that, they came back and performed the "musical". It really is just a series of songs that tell a story - no acting or costumes or live animals :-)

Having worked in a christian bookstore years ago, I was exposed to Jill Phillips and Andrew Peterson but hadn't heard anything from them in years. I like Bebo but don't have any recent stuff of his and I had no familiarity with Sara Grove's music. I don't make it to concerts too often and spend too much time listening to talk radio. So, this was a great night! I was debating about even going b/c I had had such a crummy day and was stressing about Asher spending the night at my parents for the first time and was feeling guilty about being short with Avery. Shawn had to direct the concert so he was at the church for the day. I texted him at one point saying I wasn't coming. He said to wait until closer to the time to make that decision. Thankfully the cloud lifted and I went. God used that time away from the kids and the music to refresh my soul.

Okay, so Jill Phillips has a gorgeous voice! One song from Behold the Lamb is called Labor of Love and man, it floors me everytime I hear it. I can't sing but there are a handful of songs out there that make me want to sing for all I'm worth. This would be the Christmas song for me.
Go here , scroll down until you see Behold the Lamb and then click on Open Player. Find Labor of Love and click. Take a listen and let me know what you think! (I'm sure there is a much easier way to embed a song on here but I haven't a clue how to do it.)


Amanda said...

geez...I miss the Heights! We've been going to the Fellowship since that's where the boys play. I LOVE Sara Groves! hmm..well, I really only know one of her songs (smile) but Meredith sang it at our wedding. That sounds like such a cool experience! Glad you went!

Nat Pat said...

ooohhh...i loved andrew peterson in college. didn't he have a song about driving and seeing God's creation and being in awe? i would love to check out his (and the others') new stuff. thanks for the head's up.

Chrys and Mike said...

Wow. Loved that song. Thank you for sharing. I'm going to pass it on.

Hope to see you soon.
