Monday, March 05, 2007

what is it with this country???

I am listening to talk radio right now and they are going on about Cheney and his blood clot. I am disgusted by certain people wishing he would die - are you kidding me??? Have we lost all sense of decency and respect for human life??? I feel like screaming. Or cussing.

Big fat guys get paid millions of dollars to play a game, Anna Nicole's sad life is newsfodder for weeks, and I'm sick of the Obama vs. Clinton deal. We've got to put up with this day after day! The media just shoves this crap down our throats and we sit there like baby birds, taking it.

I'd say we are quite worthy of a good smiting right about now.
Father, forgive us all.

1 comment:

Mia said...

I hear ya!