Sunday, May 15, 2005

a prayer answered, sorta.

so shawn had the morning off from the heights. we had met (or remet) some people about a week and a half ago and they go to reunion church downtown. i have been a few times and really enjoy the randomness of it. it's uncomfortably great. anyway, i've told shawn about it and he has wanted to check it out. well, this was our chance.

i knew that there was a possibility that we would see a certain christian artist who attends church here. i tried to put the thought in the back of my mind b/c that is not the reason one looks forward to church. but in all honesty, i totally dig this person and have repeatedly asked God for the opportunity to meet her. I guess I wasn't specific enough.

we get to church early. nobody shows up to this church on time. it's ten. time to start. yeah, there are about 20 people in the auditorium. the music starts - good stuff. people trickle in.

well, in the meantime, avery is screaming bloody murder and will not go to nursery. i don't blame her. it's a strange place full of strangers. not exactly my cup o'tea. so i'm out in the lobby with avery. luckily i can still hear everything that is going on and can still let her wander around, etc. a bit later she walks in!

i get all excited/nervous. i don't like that. i thought once you get married, you're done with that feeling. guess not. at first i wasn't sure but she's got a little boy the right age and a husband that fits the bill and well, there she is, looking normal, cute and like such a great potential friend. they head to the nursery (that avery refused to be in) and drop off cute little charlie. man, why was i not in there!

anyway, long story cut VERY short. after church, they are leaving and i'm with avery. our paths are going to cross and i tell myself that if i don't at least acknowledge her and say something, i'm going to regret it. well, i'm a dork...

"hi, i'm gonna regret it if i don't tell you how much i appreciate your music/ministry/writing (don't remember which word i said. too nervous)."


"uh, and i saw your little one in nursery. he is such a cutie" (part of the story that didn't make the cut)

"oh, i hope he was good"

"oh yeah, we had a cheerio picnic"

"well, who is this" as she looks at avery.

"this is avery"

"you're very pretty(to avery)...thanks again. bye"

THAT'S it! i so wanted to ask her about her music, how she writes, the books she's read, her inspiration. i wanted to compare new mom stories and convince her that we should be the best of friends. ugh, instead we exchange pleasantries and i act like a smitten teenager. it kinda cast a funk over the whole day.

so, i'm just hoping that wasn't my prayer answered fully. i need another shot, a common friend... i need to practice my conversation skills.

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