Monday, August 07, 2006

ah, blessed rain...

you came with a mighty roar but we still could not make you stay long. Even though, we were thrilled by your visit. Please, come again soon and stay awhile.

2 weeks, no sweets.

Today we rearranged some at the house. made our "formal dining room" into a tv room. i think we'll like it like this. it sure opened up our family room.

so check this out - i got a check today for the "mechanical license" for my song. actually, all the guys in the band got one but hey, it was still pretty darn cool. and i have no idea what a mechanical license is...

i'm scraping the barrel tonite. geez.


Chrys and Mike said...

Two weeks?? Wow! Sounds like you've created a habit!


Anonymous said...

you are so funny!
i am really really impressed by your discipline with the sweets! you are my hero ;)
maybe once this little guy comes, i can try to leave them as well...for now, i'm pretty crazy about starbursts and root bear floats!

Anonymous said...

oops, i meant root beer, not bear. what in the world would root bear floots taste like? yikes!

Pen the Tale said...

well, according to dr. readers' digest, i've got six more weeks to conquer!

mmmm, root bear out for the fur!

Creth said...

my question is-

in the highly anticipated Transformers movie (Michael Bay), where do the Mechanical Licenses' loyalties fall?